Leica ConX 安全認識向上モジュール


ライカジオシステムズの安全認識向上モジュール ConX
ライカジオシステムズは、クラウド接続性の利点に現場の安全認識を融合した安全認識向上モジュールをLeica ConXに追加することで、既存の安全認識ソリューションを向上させました。Leica iCON PA10、 iCON PA80 および iCON CAS ソリューションからのすべてのインシデントデータが、Leica ConX 安全認識向上モジュールに送られ、先見性のある安全対策に新しい可能性をもたらします。安全マネージャーは、建設現場で最も危険なエリアを示すインシデント位置のヒートマップにサポートされる内蔵のKPIダッシュボードとレポートからのインシデントデータを分析することができます。インシデントを追跡し測定することで、データ駆動の意思決定を行い、現場での建設作業員とその他の資産の安全性を向上させることができます。

See an overview of all construction site incidents. Filter, visualise and analyse incident data. Become more proactive by taking the proper safety measures to prevent future incidents — increasing safety for workers as well as site assets.

Make data-driven decisions that improve on-site safety

Effectively analyse all logged incident data and become more proactive towards avoiding site accidents that slow down progress and put workers' safety and site assets at risk. Filter all logged incident data by equipment, date and event type to create an incident heatmap that can help you better understand the highest-risk areas on the construction site. Historical data is saved in the system for traceability and clarity – even weeks after the incident occurred.

Office-to-field communication made easy!

With the click of a button, users can easily alert field crews to critical information. Quickly inform all MC1 users of emergencies via the SOS alert functionality or notify selected users of anticipated events (e.g. storms, blasting, sinkholes) with general safety messages. Monitor the field crew’s response to the messages (acknowledgement in MC1) and make quick decisions concerning further actions.

Track and measure safety-related data

Incident traceability offers new possibilities for occupational health and safety managers by helping them understand the effectiveness of their safety measures. Users can monitor critical events and analyse behaviours via the built-in KPI dashboard. Data that results from the user-specified filters can be exported for analysis as a CSV file. Additionally, the system offers the possibility to establish an integration to preferred platforms using ConX APIs.

Enhances the existing safety awareness solutions

The Leica ConX Safety Awareness Module is an ideal add-on to Leica ConX and the Leica iCON PA10, iCON PA80 and CAS solutions. The upgrade is easy, requiring just one additional license – with flexible licensing options to suit any project.

Contact us about Machine Control

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Get in contact with us for more information about our machine control solutions.

Safety Awareness Info sheet

Download this information sheet to learn more about which safety awareness solution is the right one for your jobsite.
Download this information sheet to learn more about which safety awareness solution is the right one for your jobsite.