
Kanasugi Kensetsu_excavator-control panel

ICT 施工で生産性、安全性、利益が大幅アップ、 成功のカギは内製化へのあくなき探求心と実行力

金杉建設株式会社は、ライカジオシステムズのマシンコントロール・ガイダンスシステム、GNSS、トータルステーション、地中レーダー探査システムなどを駆使してICT 施工を行いながら、生産性向上、安全性強化、利益向上などの成果を着実にあげています。




Dirt simple paving


Digitising the construction site from the air

Leica Geosystems UAV technology brings the construction site into the digital age and turns data into intelligent information to improve decisionmaking processes

Building a fast track between Germany and Denmark

Preparing the way for one of the world’s largest tunnels with machine control solutions

Snow grooming for world cups

Creating the piste for the World Cup in ski cross and speed skiing in Idre Fjäll, Sweden using Leica iCON alpine snow management solution

Building roads in Belgium with 3D stringless paving

3D stringless paving for building a road ramp up to a bridge in Belgium

Gotthard Tunnel - Leica Geosystems Heavy Construction Solutions

Meeting in the Middle

Gotthard Base Tunnel opens with Leica Geosystems solutions.

Moving a capital city forward

Moving a capital city forward

Several measurement solutions come together in Saudi Arabia.

Connecting continents

Connecting continents

Aligning a massive bridge in Turkey with the MultiStation.

An airport to sustain lives

An airport to sustain lives

Smooth paving with PaveSmart for St. Helena's first airport.

