
Renata Barradas Gutierrez

Renata Barradas Gutierrez

Communications Specialist for Leica Geosystems, based in Switzerland

Penny Boviatsou

Penny Boviatsou

Communications Specialist for Leica Geosystems, based in Switzerland

Benjamin Federmann

Benjamin Federmann

Director of Marketing and Communications for Aibotix, based in Kassel, Germany

Neville Judd

Communications Manager for Hexagon Mining, based in Vancouver, Canada

Karina Lumholt

Karina Lumholt

Content Marketing manager for the Machine Control Division of Leica Geosystems,
based in Odense, Denmark

Monica Miller-Rodgers

Monica Miller Rodgers

Communications Director for Hexagon Geosystems, based in Switzerland

David Rowlett

U.S. manager for the Machine Control Division of Leica Geosystems based in the United States

Dr. Shakhzod Takhirov

Engineering Manager of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department’s Structures Laboratory University of California – Berkeley

Kristi Vick

Managing Principal for Multivista based in Florida, United States

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Share with us how you are solving complex daily challenges using Leica Geosystems equipment.

Leica Geosystems へのお問い合わせ

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販売、サポートおよび 技術サービスについてのお問い合わせ先はこちらからご覧いただけます。


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As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.

Reporter 79

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