Leica Infinity – opmålingssoftware
Bygger bro mellem felten og kontoret
Leica Infinity er brugervenlig geospatial software til brug på kontoret til fagfolk, der arbejder med opmåling. Uanset om der er tale om nye opmålingsprojekter eller forberedelse af data til konstruktionsarbejde, understøtter Infinity dine arbejdsgange.
Forskellige data samles i et feltprojekt – BIM, CAD, GIS m.m. Infinity kan udtrække og eksportere disse datatyper helt uden problemer. Ved hjælp af integrerede dataudvekslingstjenester gør Leica Exchange og Leica ConX det langt mere effektivt at flytte data.
Infinity understøtter dine arbejdsgange:
- Importer, visualiser og håndter data helt enkelt – alt sammen i 3D-viseren
- Forbered opmålings- og infrastrukturdata, herunder veje, overflader og fikspunkter til mandskabet i felten
- Generer og gem rapporter i dit projekt, og opnå fuld sporbarhed
- Håndter terrestriske TPS- og nivelleringsdata samt multikonstellations-GNSS-data med tredobbelt frekvens
- Netudjævning i fuld 3D, 2D o g 1D producerer pålidelige kontrolkoordinater
- Brug og håndter billeder fra felten inklusive målepunkter fra billeder
- Arbejd med scanningspunktdata inklusive 3D-meshing-værktøjer
- "Field to Finish" sikrer effektive CAD-projektleverancer
- Integration med Leica SmartNet til download af GNSS-referencedata
- Komplet rumlig bevidsthed med HxIP-visualisering og standardgrundkort
- Brug Leica Exchange og Leica ConX datatjenesterne til effektiv dataoverførsel
New with v2.2, Infinity supports road design data and makes the data path simple and straight forward.
2016 was a big year for Infinity. Taking over from the well-known and trusted Leica Geo Office software including GNSS Post processing, Infinity became the go to software for Leica Geosystems and our Captivate and SmartWorx Viva users.
BIM is the process and the standard for today’s building construction projects and Infinity is the bridge between the BIM model and preparing data for the field sensors and staking applications. Infinity is part of the process.
Infinity GNSS baseline processing uses a state of the art processing engine to derive the most reliable and precise results using all available constellations. A baseline analysis tool allows for visualization and quality assurance of your results.
With Leica Infinity, the post processing and managing of precise level data is easy with the clear and user-friendly views and layout.
Images are everywhere today. We capture events to remember the moments and to let us look back to remind us of a time and place.
Base Maps are an easy way to let the user visualize and realize their measure data campaigns by drawing the data over imagery or maps from well know data providers.
Import field stake out jobs for documentation and quality control. Infinity supports you in preparing data for your field staking jobs. Once you have completed the field work import the data to view and save reports of the staked points.
3D surfaces are easy with Infinity. Choose from three surface types for a very simple method to create a the best surface of your data, using 1 button. Even easier is ability to compute an accurate stockpile volume from a selected surface.
Using a background image is an easy way to let the user visualize and realize their measure data campaigns by drawing the data over imagery. Using the Georeference Wizard is an easy way to bring ortho images to be used in your project.
It’s easy with terrestrial field work to have measured some stations from a local assumed position knowing in the office you will move that data to the final grid coordinates. Using the Shift Rotate Scale wizard makes that an easy process.