
Forbedring af sikkerheden booster effektiviteten

Leica Geosystems giver nem adgang til overvågningsløsninger, der kan tilpasses, og som er skræddersyet til jeres behov.

Uanset om der er tale om skråningsstabilitet, dæmninger, udgravninger, høje mure og arbejde under jorden eller sætningers og klimaets indvirkning på jeres mine, har vi den rette løsning til jer, så I kan øge sikkerheden og produktiviteten i minen. Med HxGN GeoMonitoring-hubsoftwaren får I én komplet løsning fra én pålidelig leverandør, der er udviklet med det formål at kombinere data fra alle typer overvågningsteknologi, inklusive prismeovervågning, radarer og andre geotekniske og miljømæssige sensorer, i kombination med professionel support og rådgivning. Overvåg med oplysninger i realtid og få rapporter, der genereres automatisk på baggrund af en tidsplan, der kan tilpasses.

"Alle disse instrumenter lever op til deres ry for at være ekstremt robuste og præcise. Newmont er overbevist om, at der ikke findes bedre præcision eller holdbarhed på det geodætiske marked."

Nana Yaw Quayson
Technical Services and Support hos PDSA Ltd, autoriseret servicepartner hos Leica Geosystems

Slope stability monitoring in open-pit mines

HxGN MineMonitoring is a comprehensive portfolio for monitoring in open-pit mines that integrates Hexagon monitoring technologies consisting of radar, geodetic and geotechnical sensors all aggregated into one software. Learn more about benefits of combined radar and geodetic monitoring in open pit mines.


Keeping a vigilant Eye

Continuous, extensive monitoring by geotechnical engineers must be done in order to keep open pit miners safe from falling rocks or collapsing walls.

Continuous, extensive monitoring by geotechnical engineers must be done in order to keep open pit miners safe from falling rocks or collapsing...

Slope Monitoring at Adaro Tutupan Coal Mine in Indonesia

Monitoring the open cut coal mining slopes.
Monitoring the open cut coal mining slopes.

Real-time Tailings Dam Monitoring

Improving safety and sustainability at mines in Brazil.
Improving safety and sustainability at mines in Brazil.

Monitoring of Excavation Slopes in an Open Pit Mine

The Polish Energy Group required a system for the automatic monitoring of slope stability.
The Polish Energy Group required a system for the automatic monitoring of slope stability.

Leica GeoMoS

Fleksibel, automatisk softwareløsning til deformationsovervågning.
Fleksibel, automatisk softwareløsning til deformationsovervågning.

Leica GeoMoS Edge

Leica GeoMoS Edge er overvågningssoftware til autonom sensorstyring og uafbrudt datalogning i felten, som gør det muligt at foretage kontinuerlige målinger, som lagres midlertidigt, selv når der ikke er kommunikation til kontoret. Det forhindrer i sidste ende tab af data.
Leica GeoMoS Edge er overvågningssoftware til autonom sensorstyring og uafbrudt datalogning i felten, som gør det muligt at foretage kontinuerlige målinger, som lagres...

Leica GeoMoS Now!

Analysér og visualiser monitoreringsdata, uanset hvor du er.
Analysér og visualiser monitoreringsdata, uanset hvor du er.

HxGN GeoMonitoring Hub

The integrated platform brining all sensor technology into one holistic view for mine monitoring
The integrated platform brining all sensor technology into one holistic view for mine monitoring

Leica GNSS Spider

Software for managing and processing GNSS reference stations.
Software for managing and processing GNSS reference stations.

Leica CrossCheck

A multi-purpose GNSS analysis tool for QC and monitoring.
A multi-purpose GNSS analysis tool for QC and monitoring.

IBIS Guardian

Monitoring for Slope Stability Risks with Powerful Software.
Monitoring for Slope Stability Risks with Powerful Software.

FPM360 TrueVector

Bringing stability and safety awareness to any mining pit
Bringing stability and safety awareness to any mining pit

IBIS Dispatch

User-friendly and intuitive alerting software for dispatchers
User-friendly and intuitive alerting software for dispatchers

Planning Tool

Defining key parameters in one intuitive interface
Defining key parameters in one intuitive interface

Leica Nova TM60

Designet til automatiseret og manuel deformationsmonitorering
Designet til automatiseret og manuel deformationsmonitorering

Leica GM30

All-in-one GNSS monitoring receiver.
All-in-one GNSS monitoring receiver.

Geotechnical Sensors

Automated geotechnical sensor measurement & data acquisition
Automated geotechnical sensor measurement & data acquisition

Leica ScanStation P50

Den hurtigste og sikreste 3D-scanner med lang rækkevidde.
Den hurtigste og sikreste 3D-scanner med lang rækkevidde.

Leica Nova MS60

Den ultimative selvlærende totalstation med scanning, GNSS-tilslutningsmuligheder og digital billedbehandling.
Den ultimative selvlærende totalstation med scanning, GNSS-tilslutningsmuligheder og digital billedbehandling.

Leica M-Com

Plug-and-play kommunikationsløsninger til overvågning.
Plug-and-play kommunikationsløsninger til overvågning.


 RockSpot is an innovative radar system able to locate, track and alert on rockfalls, avalanches and debris flows in real time.
 RockSpot is an innovative radar system able to locate, track and alert on rockfalls, avalanches and debris flows in real time.


3D SAR Radar for stunning 360° open-pit coverage
3D SAR Radar for stunning 360° open-pit coverage


Safely ahead of slope instability by reliably measuring mine movements
Safely ahead of slope instability by reliably measuring mine movements


Visually understanding mine slope stability from a safe distance.
Visually understanding mine slope stability from a safe distance.


 High-resolution radar system for early warning and real time monitoring of ground fall hazards in underground mines
 High-resolution radar system for early warning and real time monitoring of ground fall hazards in underground mines


High-resolution radar system for early warning and real-time focus monitoring in open pits, quarries, strip coal mines and tailing dams.
High-resolution radar system for early warning and real-time focus monitoring in open pits, quarries, strip coal mines and tailing dams.

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