What is mobile mapping?

The technologies enabling 3D mobile mapping and better understanding

In recent years 3D Mobile Mapping has become one of the most important geospatial technologies available, and it is set to change the way environments are measured, visualised, analysed and catalogued.

Through the combination of advanced imagery, measurement capture tools and a variety of mobile transportation platforms, 3D Mobile Mapping enables users to visualise, record, measure and understand environments, wherever they may be.

Detailed visualisation of environments that have previously been very difficult to measure and analyse is now possible, including underground and underwater structures. 3D Mobile Mapping is quick, accurate and more comprehensive than ever before, and is delivering significant benefits to users and asset owners.

Inaccessible areas can be mapped effectively and quickly using the mobile platforms. Where environments would have taken weeks to survey, they now only take days, improving efficiency and productivity.

The technology is already being used to survey major road and rail projects, for mapping urban environments, understanding underground and underwater structures, and to improve safety in power infrastructure and plants around the world.

How will you use 3D Mobile Mapping to enhance your business and understanding?

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3D Mobile Mapping solutions bring together innovative software and high-tech scanning and visualisation platforms in a mobile format that delivers fast, accurate and comprehensive understanding of environments. At Leica Geosystems we have developed a range of mobile platforms to support a variety of applications.

Streaming service

Stream imagery using protocols like OGC WMS and WMTS directly into your application of choice, including Esri, MapInfo, Global Mapper and all proprietary oil and gas applications. Subscription fees include unlimited viewing and plotting. To learn more or receive a quote, contact our authorised resellers.

Data download

The spatial data store allows you to find and order imagery as and when you need it. Define the search method, projection, coordinate system, resolution and output file format. Within minutes your exact specified imagery can be downloaded. You can purchase imagery by credit card or apply for a business account.

Want to learn more about our mobile mapping solutions? Contact our team for more information or to request a demo.


Introducing Leica ConX

A web interface solution to seamlessly integrate, manage and analyse all surveying and machine control workflows.

Want to learn more on what mobile mapping is? Download the full article here.