Commercial & Residential Building

Let us help you deliver your next building project on time, safely and as efficiently as possible.

Shape how buildings are designed, built and maintained

Equipped with our geospatial and reality capture technologies, you can provide many services in the lifecycle of a building, from design to renovation or demolition. Our surveying solutions empower you to improve efficiency during all phases of building construction projects, including connecting stakeholders to continuously up-to-date CAD and BIM data. Rooted in an understanding of the workflow and dataflow in building construction, our solutions help you connect all elements, reduce risk and waste, prevent rework and increase safety.

Discover the solutions at each phase of the building construction lifecycle to increase your efficiency.

Construction lifecycle phases

Design & Capture

Capture data efficiently to generate plans. Connect office and field data using solutions compatible with CAD & BIM software and create 3D models that form the basis of BIM digital workflows.
Capture data efficiently to generate plans. Connect office and field data using solutions compatible with CAD & BIM software and create 3D models that form the basis of BIM digital workflows.

Construct & Build

Prepare 3D design data for site work. Provide the most efficient and accurate layout and keep BIM models up to date while sharing changes instantly with everyone involved.
Prepare 3D design data for site work. Provide the most efficient and accurate layout and keep BIM models up to date while sharing changes instantly with everyone involved.

Operate & Maintain

Document entire buildings with reality capture solutions before repair and renovation. Create digital twins to help maintain the assets’ condition, and execute projects with sustainable practices.
Document entire buildings with reality capture solutions before repair and renovation. Create digital twins to help maintain the assets’ condition, and execute projects with sustainable practices.

In your own words

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Uanset hvor kompleks din opgave er, så findes der en løsning i vores produktportefølje til opmåling, positionering, visualisering og samarbejde, som kan hjælpe dig med at få succes og være mere effektiv.
Uanset hvor kompleks din opgave er, så findes der en løsning i vores produktportefølje til opmåling, positionering, visualisering og samarbejde, som kan hjælpe dig med at få succes og være mere effektiv.

Få din forretning til at vokse

Find ud af, hvordan du kan udnytte digitaliseringen sammen med teknologier og processer til at styrke din forretning og skabe nye muligheder, forblive konkurrencedygtig og forbedre produktiviteten.
Find ud af, hvordan du kan udnytte digitaliseringen sammen med teknologier og processer til at styrke din forretning og skabe nye muligheder, forblive konkurrencedygtig og forbedre produktiviteten.

Surveying Solutions

Regardless of how complex your task is, a solution is available within our diverse measuring, positioning and visualising portfolio to help you collaborate, be more efficient and succeed.
Regardless of how complex your task is, a solution is available within our diverse measuring, positioning and visualising portfolio to help you collaborate, be more efficient and succeed.

Forbedr dine kvalifikationer

Bliv mere effektiv og udnyt forretningsmuligheder. Udnyt dit potentiale til at tilbyde bedre, hurtigere og mere specialiserede tjenester til dine kunder.
Bliv mere effektiv og udnyt forretningsmuligheder. Udnyt dit potentiale til at tilbyde bedre, hurtigere og mere specialiserede tjenester til dine kunder.