Improved Field to Finish from Captivate to Carlson Office

Good news for users of Leica Captivate who cooperate with Carlson Office users: The Carlson Office Field-to-Finish routine now supports the import of LandXML files. This facilitates the import of Leica Captivate field drawings.

Leica Captivate automatically creates drawings in the field by using modern coding and linework functionalities. So far these drawings could not directly be imported to Carlson Office without one or more time consuming conversion steps.

Now the Carlson Office 2017 Field-to-Finish routine supports the import of LandXML files. Therefore Carlson CAD can replicate Captivate field drawings without the loss of valuable coding and linework information. This facilitates a smooth dataflow adding value to both, Captivate and Carlson Office users.

Image 1 shows a field screenshot with linework measured with Leica Captivate. Image 2 shows the same measurement after the import using the Carlson Office 2017 Field-to-Finish routine.


Image 1: Leica Captivate: Linework measurement in the field


Image 2: Linework after Field-to-Finish in Carlson

For detailed information please contact your local Leica Geosystems distribution partner, who will be pleased to give assistance.

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