Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology

Chapter 4: Endless possibilities using Leica MS60 Multistation and Captivate software

Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology

Endless possibilities using Leica MS60 Multistation and Captivate software

Scanning with a MS60 MultiStation is new to the Fulton Hogan HEB alliance, and the firm is very pleased with the results. Fulton Hogan has used the MS60 MultiStation 3D scanner to create a wide range of scans with exceptional accuracy and results.

During the Huntly project, Fulton Hogan HEB alliance have applied the MS60 MultiStation for day-to-day construction tasks. However, in the future they would like to use the MS60 to its full advantage, by creating point clouds with overlaid measured points for realistic 3D models of the terrain before construction actually starts. Off-site and on-site work could be improved dramatically by adding visual control of actual construction. Scans of the construction could be done to confirm that construction is in accordance with the design during and after the project is completed.

On a project such as Huntly, with its hilly and steep terrain, the MS60 is put into use often. The MS60 increases productivity and makes applications such as volume calculations more accurate and faster. The MS60 MultiStation is the very latest cutting-edge technology and allows the alliance to demonstrate market leadership in technology.

Explore next chapter: Machine control - great for production and for safety

Story: Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology
Chapter 1: Overcoming construction obstacles while looking after mother nature
Chapter 2: A full array of solutions
Chapter 3: Safety is not always in numbers on construction sites
Chapter 4: Endless possibilities using Leica MS60 Multistation and Captivate software
Chapter 5: Machine control - great for production and for safety

Reporter 76

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