Leica GS18 GNSS RTK Rover
The GNSS smart antenna that grows with your business
The Leica GS18 is a self-learning GNSS smart antenna. GS18 inherits all features of the Leica GS18 T except tilt compensation. However, the GS18 grows with your business: upgrade it to a tilt compensating system at any time.
The GS18 is an excellent companion to a surveyor that primarily works with a network RTK such as HxGN SmartNet. Like most of the Leica Geosystems GNSS smart antennas, the GS18 works as a rover and a base.
제품 사양서
라이카 Viva GS16 스마트안테나 제품사양서
갈릴레오 위성이 고정밀 RTK에 주는 장점 (GPS World magazine 내용 , August 2017년 8월 내용)
Conformity declaration
라이카 Viva GS16 스마트안테나 CE conformity declaration
White papers
Leica Viva series white paper BeiDou integration
Leica Viva series white paper RTK positioning