A 3D valóságrögzítéssel foglalkozó oktató jellegű cikkek és vélemények

Gyors, sokoldalú és pontos 3D adatrögzítés számos iparágban

A Leica RTC360 3D lézerszkenner hordozható, nagy mértékben automatizált, intuitívan használható, a termelékenységet maximalizáló eszköz, amely többféle iparágban is eredményesen használható. Ez a teljesen egyedi lézerszkennelési megoldás hatékonyan ötvözi egymással a nagy teljesítményű lézerszkenner és a mobilalkalmazás előnyeit, amelyek jóvoltából automatikusan készíthetők és regisztrálhatók a valós időben végzett szkennelések. A rendszerhez élvonalbeli irodai szoftvercsomag is tartozik, amellyel a munkafolyamat lezárásaként tökéletes illesztéssel regisztrálhatók a szkennelt adatok.

Contact us about Laser Scanning

Get in contact with us for more information about our laser scanning portfolio.

Innately Intelligent 3D Laser Scanner

The Leica RTC360 is a portable 3D reality capture solution that scans and visualises every detail, quickly and simply, reducing delays and boosting productivity. Discover how the RTC360 can boost your workflow.

Case Studies

What is 3D Reality Capture?

Rapid changes in technology and computing power improve nearly every part of our lives from democratisation and access to information to communication and how we view the world around us.
Rapid changes in technology and computing power improve nearly every part of our lives from democratisation and access to information to communication and how we view the...

Changing the Face of Documentation in the Built Environment

In recent years, technology has influenced the way we design, manage and document the built environment.
In recent years, technology has influenced the way we design, manage and document the built environment.

Enhancing Public Safety through 3D Reality Capture

Public safety takes many forms, from crowd control and security at public events to analysing crash and crime scenes.
Public safety takes many forms, from crowd control and security at public events to analysing crash and crime scenes.

Improving Industrial Health and Safety with 3D Reality Capture

Many industrial settings present inhospitable environments where the health and safety of employees and site visitors is paramount.
Many industrial settings present inhospitable environments where the health and safety of employees and site visitors is paramount.

Leica RTC360 3D Reality Capture Solution

Highly portable, automated and efficient 3D laser scanner.

Got questions? We've got the answers!

Our global 3D laser scanning experts are here to answer your questions.