Leica Infinity: How to use the Procore service
The Procore service connectivity is built in! Connect your teams with integrated Procore services to manage field data, projects and deliverables.
- Easily login into Procore and import construction drawings into Infinity project. Benefit from the direct access to the up-to-date data at every stage of the construction phase.
- Visualise, analyse and extract from the design required information.
- Manage and transfer the data between the office and the field crews using a direct connection via Leica Exchange or Leica ConX.
- Collect and combine in one project the design data with the measure data. Process, analyse and quality check measure data, including total stations, GNSS data, level data and imagery (UAVs).
- Upload to Procore updated drawings and report.
Learn more about the workflow from this article or watch the tutorial video linked at the end of this page.
Log in and authorise Infinity to connect to the Procore service
Image 1: Direct login to the Procore Services
Download, visualise and update your data
Once successfully connected, the Procore icon will be enabled in the Import dialogue. Navigate to the desired project, highlight the required data and select Download. The download location will depend on your project settings. Select the data and Import it directly to the current project. Visualise imported data in the View Pane and update depending on requirements.
Image 2: Data download to Infinity project
Transfer data to on-site data collectors via Leica ConX and Leica Exchange
Within Infinity, users can connect to field sensors and machines wirelessly via the internet using Exchange and ConX integration. It makes data transfer between office and field seamless. Exchange service connects with surveying sensors that use Leica Captivate or Leica SmartWorx Viva and ConX is used for communication with Leica iCON systems. Login directly in Infinity to the Exchange and ConX service to send and receive the data with an instant notification.
To export data via ConX, navigate to the External Services tab in the ribbon bar and login with valid credentials. Select the desired ConX project then press Export in the ribbon bar. Define a filename and export.
To export the data via Exchange, navigate to File / Services and select Exchange from the list of available services. Enter Log in credentials and select Connect. Once successfully connected, the Exchange icon is enabled in the Import / Export dialogues. Select the Exchange user, enter a filename and Export.
Share data to the Procore service
Easily publish to the Procore only with few clicks the construction design drawings updated with the measure data, digital terrain models (DTM) and reports presenting excavation results, measure data quality check reports. Open the Export dialogue and select Procore in the navigator. Navigate to the desired location in Procore, define the File Name and select Export. Benefit from comprehensive cloud-based data exchange. Keep your team and stakeholders on track with up-to-date data. Watch the video to learn how to use Procore services.Procore is the all-in-one construction management software. Read more about Procore and Infinity collaboration here.
Integration to Procore services are available from Infinity version 3.4.1 onwards.
Monika Bodziak
Product Engineer, Leica Infinity