Enabling enhanced capture productivity and safety

600 metres of tunnel scanned safely in 40 minutes

PROJECT: Fast and safe kinematic reality capture in Elbe Tunnel, Germany
PRODUCT: Leica ProScan
OBJECTIVE: Documentation the three older tunnel tubes by kinematic 3D laser scanning to create current, accurate inventory documentation available to the Elbe Tunnel operator.

One of the most important components of northern Europe’s infrastructure lies about 28 metres (92 feet) below the surface of the Elbe River: the Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg. As part of the A7 Autobahn, it connects the southern and northern portions of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg and the Scandinavian countries with Europe’s metropolises. It is about 3.3 kilometres (1.9 miles) in length, with some 1,000 metres (3,280 feet) passing under the riverbed. At peak periods, up to 145,000 cars and trucks pass through the tunnel’s four tubes each day.

The three older tunnel tubes were captured by kinematic 3D laser scanning to create current, accurate inventory documentation for the Elbe Tunnel operator. Previously unachievable without considerable disruption, Leica ProScan enabled the rapid and accurate mapping of the underground environment within tight overnight access restrictions.

Download the full case study for more information

To ensure the future safety of this important traffic route, the three older tunnel tubes were renovated between 2009 and 2013 in accordance with the updated guidelines for facilities and operations of highway tunnels. The state geoinformation and survey office commissioned the Hamburg based company Dr. Hesse und Partner Ingenieure (dhp:i) with the documentation of every tunnel tube by kinematic 3D laser scanning.

Enabling accurate inventory documentation

The objective was to make current, accurate inventory documentation available to the Elbe Tunnel operator. The georeferenced information obtained will be needed for maintenance and repair support of Elbe Tunnel planning, design, construction and administration processes and as a basis for future Building Information Modelling (BIM), among other uses.

Enabling efficient asset collection

In addition to the tunnel geometry, all other objects and equipment in the tunnel also had to be recorded for this purpose within an accuracy of a few centimetres. The assets included emergency exits, phones and operation alcoves, escape route signage, fire protection systems, ventilation shafts, lighting systems, cameras, amongst others, totalling more than 200 different 3D objects.

Want to learn more about our mobile mapping solutions? Contact our team for more information or to request a demo.

Enabling mapping of transport infrastructure

Mobile 3D solutions for transport infrastructure mapping enable fast and safe digitisation of structures and assets while reducing surveying time and traffic disruption.

Want to learn more about the kinematic laser scanning project of Elbe Tunnel in Germany? Download the full case study.

Leica ProScan

Turns your high definition laser scanner into a kinematic mapping solution that cuts time in the field and increases productivity.

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