Tech Insider: Why Digital Scene Documentation Technology is Essential for Law Enforcement

Former CSI Ryan Rezzelle shares his insights in this Tech Insider podcast interview.

Go behind the scenes with Leica Geosystems Public Safety Manager Ryan Rezzelle to learn why he’s so dedicated to helping the public safety community understand and implement digital scene documentation technology. Ryan shares a few of the cases early in his career that demonstrated the value of laser scanning in time savings and documenting the truth in an investigation. He discusses how the latest technology advances are having such a big impact on safety and speed, and why Leica Geosystems is the best technology partner for public agencies and private organizations. Hear where he thinks technology is going next with automation, AI and the cloud, and how your agency can benefit. Plus, get the inside scoop on some exciting new approaches for school safety.

About the insider:

Ryan spent fifteen years as a Crime Scene Investigator, most recently as the Supervisor of the Crime Scene Investigation Section for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office Criminalistics Laboratory (2008-2016) and previously for the Kansas City (MO) Police Department (2001-2008). He has served as a trainer in Forensic Mapping for public safety response since 2004 and has been laser scanning since 2010, scanning hundreds of crime scenes.

Ryan is a certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst and is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Science and the International Association for Identification, among a wide range of professional organizations. In 2016, Ryan was named as one of 16 members of the NIST NIJ OSAC Sub-Committee on Crime Scene Investigation in the initial formation of the work group, and he continues to serve in that capacity.

As the manager of the Leica Geosystems Public Safety Group for the US & Canada, Ryan focuses on providing sound forensic science services and information to the public safety community.

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Saran, konsultasi, dan bantuan praktis peer-to-peer. Kami adalah mitra yang dipercaya oleh organisasi sektor publik dan swasta, yang menawarkan portofolio alat bantu geospasial yang paling beragam, layanan yang andal, dan keahlian.
Saran, konsultasi, dan bantuan praktis peer-to-peer. Kami adalah mitra yang dipercaya oleh organisasi sektor publik dan swasta, yang menawarkan portofolio alat bantu geospasial yang paling beragam, layanan yang andal, dan keahlian.


Pengetahuan yang kami miliki membantu para profesional Keselamatan Publik di seluruh dunia dan mendefinisikan ulang cara yang digunakan penegak hukum dalam mengelola penyelidikan insiden dan tempat kejadian perkara, pengumpulan bukti, dan pemetaan forensik.
Pengetahuan yang kami miliki membantu para profesional Keselamatan Publik di seluruh dunia dan mendefinisikan ulang cara yang digunakan penegak hukum dalam mengelola penyelidikan insiden dan tempat kejadian perkara, pengumpulan bukti, dan pemetaan forensik.


Solusi kami untuk reality capture, penyelidikan atau rekonstruksi tempat kejadian perkara, pemosisian akurat, dan intelijen lokasi memberi Anda keunggulan dalam menciptakan Digital Twin Forensik.
Solusi kami untuk reality capture, penyelidikan atau rekonstruksi tempat kejadian perkara, pemosisian akurat, dan intelijen lokasi memberi Anda keunggulan dalam menciptakan Digital Twin Forensik.

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Entah Anda ingin beralih dari metode dokumentasi tradisional atau ingin menguasai teknologi, sumber daya pelatihan kami siap mendukung setiap langkah pekerjaan Anda sehari-hari.