Leica Captivate -sovellukset työmaalla tapahtuviin maanmittaus- ja tilavuuslaskentoihin

Maanmittausohjelmistojen erityissovellukset, jotka on suunniteltu helpottamaan työskentelyä ja parantamaan tuottavuutta tehdessä laskelmia työmaalla.

Kuvankaappaus geodeettisesta laskennasta CS30-tabletissa ja leikkauspistettä laskevasta mittaajasta.

Maanmittaajat ja muut mittausalan ammattilaiset tietävät, että joustavuus ja kekseliäisyys ovat ratkaisevan tärkeitä päätöksiä tehtäessä ja luotettavien tietojen tuottamisessa, erityisesti projektisuunnitelman toteutuksen ollessa haastavaa. Työmaalla tapahtuvaan geodeettiseen (COGO) ja tilavuus-laskentaan kehitetty Leica Captivate -sovellusvalikoima auttaa hyödyntämään tietoja, minkä ansiosta voit saavuttaa välittömiä tuloksia työmaalla ja tehdä tietoon perustuvia projektipäätöksiä viipymättä.

Informed in-field decisions for construction and engineering surveying tasks


The Leica Captivate COGO app offers a wide range of coordinate geometry computation tools, giving you the power to quickly and easily compute additional positional information from measured or design data.

The COGO app enables straightforward in-field calculations using point or line data, or new point and shape creation based on existing data and values. With the COGO app, you can:

• Calculate angles, bearings, distances and intersections between points and lines

• Compute new points based on existing elements such as line offsets or arc centre points

• Create shape objects such as circles, rectangles, or triangles

• Segment a line or divide an area

• Shift, rotate and scale selected data

Volume calc

The Leica Captivate Volume Calc app provides a flexible and effective way to create a surface from points and perform volume analysis on that surface.

With options to create a surface using existing points, newly measured points, or a grid of points, the app guides you seamlessly through defining the boundary and triangulating the surface to generate a DTM or DXF.

A choice of volume calculation methods, such as stockpile or surface-to-surface, put you in control, allowing you to generate volume results directly in the field moments after your data is captured.

Quick volume

The Leica Captivate Quick Volume app offers a simple yet powerful way to quickly perform volume calculations from all your measured points or scanned data.

In just two easy steps, the app guides you through generating a triangulated surface and then computing its volume, either as a stockpile or to a specified height.

The simple workflow allows almost instant volume results directly in the field.


Turn your Leica CS20 Disto controller into a fully functional laser distance meter with the Disto app.

Utilising the internal Disto module, complete with pointfinder camera, tilt sensor, and laser pointer, the Leica Captivate Disto app helps ensure you have all the tools available to efficiently complete your fieldwork:

• Measure slope distances and differences in height

• Compute slopes, areas and simple volumes

• Code and store measurements in the job

Captivate quick tip – COGO functions directly from the 3D viewer

Did you know that many of the Leica Captivate COGO app functions can be used directly from within the 3D viewer?

Simply select the data you wish to perform the COGO calculation with, tap and hold to bring up the context menu, and choose the respective COGO function to jump straight to the calculation, enabling immediate results.

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Leica Captivate field software is fully compatible with:


Leica Captivate datasheet

Datasheet presenting the most important features and supported devices by the Leica Captivate field software for measuring professionals.
Datasheet presenting the most important features and supported devices by the Leica Captivate field software for measuring professionals.

Best practices for easy and efficient field work

13 Tool Tipps to make your work with Leica Captivate field software much easier.
13 Tool Tipps to make your work with Leica Captivate field software much easier.