Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology

Chapter 2: A full array of solutions

Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology

A full array of solutions

Global Survey has become the preferred supplier to the Fulton Hogan HEB alliance and many of its solutions can be found on location. The equipment being used by the survey teams on-site includes the new Leica MS60 MultiStation with Leica Captivate software as well as numerous Leica TS16 robotic total stations, base stations and rovers.

Global Survey has also rolled out a large fleet of Leica Geosystems machine control systems on excavators, graders and dozers, which are being used extensively. The machine control systems allow the operator to visualise the design in 3D and then the automated machines control the blade precisely to design. Feedback from the operators and foreman on-site concerning the use of the systems has been very positive. By using the 3D machine control, the joint venture is able to meet tight construction tolerances required by the project and get significant gains in productivity whilst saving in survey and setout costs.

“By utilising the very latest Leica Geosystems survey technology, we have been able to create a high level of safety and increase productivity. Surveyors no longer need to work in dangerous trenches or around large heavy machinery in operation,” said Ed Kelly, survey manager for the Waikato Expressway Huntly Section at Fulton Hogan HEB alliance.

Explore next chapter: Safety is not always in numbers on construction sites

Story: Safely ahead of the game with cutting edge technology
Chapter 1: Overcoming construction obstacles while looking after mother nature
Chapter 2: A full array of solutions
Chapter 3: Safety is not always in numbers on construction sites
Chapter 4: Endless possibilities using Leica MS60 Multistation and Captivate software
Chapter 5: Machine control - great for production and for safety

Reporter 76

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Etsi Leica Geosystemsin yhteyshenkilö myyntiä, asiakaspalvelua ja teknistä tukea varten.
Etsi Leica Geosystemsin yhteyshenkilö myyntiä, asiakaspalvelua ja teknistä tukea varten.