Life beyond traditional RTK: Satellite based Precise Point Positioning
Leica SmartLink and SmartLink Fill GNSS correction services
Finding yourself in difficult scenarios where getting RTK corrections seems impossible is where SmartLink shines. Using technology that allows it to leverage internet and / or satellite communications to provide corrections, makes the hike back up from a gorge the hardest part.
The foundation of Leica Geosystems GNSS technology is RTKplus and SmartLink - the PPP solution, which complements the traditional RTK method. Using a self-learning GNSS sensor, like the Leica Viva GS16, you can be sure that your sensor adapts to predominant conditions. It will use the most relevant satellite signals and provide you automatically the best available position.
The GNSS infrastructure of the RTK technology, which enables us to perform precise and efficient positioning, does have challenges in its theoretical basis. Consider this: in addition to satellites, RTK also needs a network of permanent stations and services, or our own reference station, mobile cellular network service, or the use of our own radio transceiver.
What is SmartLink?
SmartLink enables the GNSS user to achieve real-time centimetre accurate positioning worldwide, ideal when working in remote areas around the globe. SmartLink does not require a local RTK base station or network RTK infrastructure to operate meaning lower capital investments in equipment and the ease of simply visiting the site with a SmartLink compatible receiver is the only requisite.